The Beligian detective to travel to HerculePoirot to that what seems to be an sea within idyllic vacation island

A former mummer (Arlena Marshall): who alienates everybody around her, is found stifled on the beach. Everyone is resrthaaa  motivation to kill arlana, that why appearance has a alibi poirot is the investigate the family murder.

Poirot kill that discovers the Patrick RedfemArlena’s lover, who has your wife’s face having a affair with Arlena whereas apparently flaunting. He had wished to stolen back a diamond her husband that was itself has been purloined already Arlena coming into that possession of about itself.It has been going to turn off that have been solely did Patrick’s to approving of that affair, that why in after that was in collusion along with her husband (website).

Poirot spread that her Christine lied about has a scare of the good heights, as she managed to traverses a suspend bridge the same level of the picnic. That is unwisely go to thought the bottle of lovely of goodness from her chamber. That Brewster had a found to out of the side. Linda’s marked a suicide had been aggravated by your self. As extra having a proof, Poirot reveals that the murder of the Alice Corrigan was happened that was the remained same manner.

The viuisal picture from the surrey police indentified Patrick as Edward Corrigan, Which been killed her.Christone because the teacher reached the baby.At the before of the murder had been committed. Poirot goads Patrick face the near of violent show by himself .Against the pouses attempting to before you knowing to quiet of him. Along with the case has closed, Poirot tells Linda  herdid’t kill Arlena. Her Predicits she will note to arrogant to the next level of the step mother. Wherea and Rosamund rekindle of their old love. In that if the case has been close, Poirot told to linda her does’t kill to Arlena and predict to more .She did npot like her first step mother, once upon Kenneth and Rosamund  again kindler to her older of the love.

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We are elaborate manner has been very prepare to poirot the track of the Patrick’s temporarily Arlena in after to go to killed. This seems the murder to be connected to the before of the case, during it was recommend to the connect to been the last, at the during of this case it was assumed the vagrant to been committed the crime.